Nowadays divorce cases are on the rise. And due to their hectic lifestyle, people prefer to consider divorce options that emphasize speed and minimize the cost. Most of the couples now agree to get to the terms amicably without any courtroom drama. Here comes the need for mediation or collaborative divorce.
In Texas, most people have started to opt for mediation or collaborative divorce as it has become a bit quicker compared to traditional divorce. It is cost-friendly too. However, for this, both parties need to take a cooperative approach and be open and honest in taking decisions that can affect their future. To know more about this mediation option, you can contact the team of Thomson Salinas Londergan LLP. Their team supports the parties by researching legal precedents, doing investigative research, and preparing all the legal documents.
What is a Collaborative Divorce?
Here the parties take up the problem-solving approach to resolve their legal issues in the divorce. This is much different than the courtroom settlement, but it requires both parties to get into this collaborative approach. Any kind of negotiation done here will be useless if one person is not interested and want to litigate the disagreements between them.
The advantages of using a collaborative approach are:
- Shielding the kids from this unwanted courtroom battle
- Help the parties to deal with the situation and get an outcome on their own
- Save a lot of your money and time.
This method is usually performed in an informal setting where both parties come together, have an open discussion, and come to a conclusion that works for both of them.
What is Mediation?
In divorce mediation, a mediator or a neutral professional will help the couple communicate and negotiate the important issues related to ending their marriage. Their main goal is to avoid delays or expenses that happen in the traditional method and reach a marital settlement agreement.
Mediation is a process that needs to be used at any time during the divorce process.
- Mediation before filing for divorce: So, when the couple has agreed to file for divorce, they have certain things to be divided amongst them like property, child custody, etc. In this case, if you both have not come to terms together then you can take the help of mediation to sort this issue.
- Mediation during the divorce: So if you both have agreement issues during the proceedings, then you can have a mediator hired who can help you sort.
Sometimes the judge may also order the couples to appoint a mediator before their final hearing.
The policies and practices for ordering a mediation will always vary from county to county in Texas. In many counties, judges may even order to appoint for mediation before the case begins. Or else they may appoint a mediator.
How does the Mediation in Texas Work?
Mediation usually undergoes three different steps:
- Orientation
- Identify problems within the couple and gather all the information
- Negotiation
In the end, the mediator will have a written agreement signed by you both based on the terms that you have decided during the negotiation.